Gotta love Ubuntu. Just one day later and I'm fully up and running. Bluetooth is working great (send-recieve from phone, check. bluetooth audio for headset, check.), nvidia graphics working great (after installing proprietary driver version 180), wireless working great (Broadcom B43 Wireless proprietary driver and updated OS). Yep, everything working great! I've updated my Bluetooth Headset post to include more accurate information on how I got it working this time around. Just do a search or click here.
I recently setup a Win 2008 R2 VM and proceeded to remote connect to it from Ubuntu 10.04. Everything worked perfectly except the mouse cursors were black (and some were corrupt). Solution? Use a newer version of rdesktop that doesn't ship with Ubuntu. There is a handy PPA that can be added using the following command: sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ricolai/ppa sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install rdesktop [UPDATE] It appears ricolai may have removed the package from his PPA. To remedy the situation, I've uploaded the working binaries for x64. Sorry, I don't have the x86 any longer. More information on the bug can be found here:
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